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Moms gathering with their children for

prayer & worship and fellowship.

Upcoming Play Date...

Friday, February 7th*

9:00AM - 11:00AM

At Church of the Savior

1301 Brannon Rd, Nicholasville

*For our February 7th date only we will be meeting in the student center again. Enter through the main doors facing Brannon Rd.

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Prayer and Worship (for Mom and Kids)

We will have our children with us as we disciple them in prayer and worship. We understand it takes practice!

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Play Time and Activities (for Kids)

We will guide our children through Christ-centered prayer, activities, and free play, with the help of trusted volunteers.

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We all need each other! We will have time for moms to connect as our children play.

Fellowship (for Moms)

Kids of any age are welcome!

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As parents, we desire to introduce and instill a knowledge of God in our children - for our children to know God. This not only means we pray over our children in the secret place but also means that we humbly and intentionally bring our children to stand before God. Therefore, in all things – in all seasons, circumstances, relationships, sufferings, confusion, and delight – we hope they are rooted in Christ and come to the Father for their fill and to fulfill His purposes.


Just a little bit about the term ‘priesthood’... Consider Psalm 27:4, Deuteronomy 6:5-9, and Revelation 5:10. It's prayer and worship! It’s fixing our eyes on Him. It’s inquiring of Him. It’s also a significant depiction of holiness and sacrifice.


We get to do this and delight in Him together! So, consider it a “Priesthood Play Date.”

QUESTIONS? Contact Allison Long at 352-318-0299

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Every 1st and 3rd Friday

9:00am to 11:00am

At Church of the Savior

1301 Brannon Rd.

Nicholasville, KY 40356


​January 3

January 17

February 7

February 21

March 7

March 21

April 18

May 2

May 16

*Click the dates above to view prayer lessons.

children learning


This is for the most recent upcoming play date.


This is free. Your RSVP simply helps us plan for the right amount of helpers, snacks, and materials. All we ask for is your email also in order to communicate any last minute changes to our play date.


You can definitely still decide to come last minute!

Thanks for your RSVP!

Play Date Registration

Join Our Mailing List

We will send out reminders and details about upcoming play dates via email. Enter your email to stay in the know. You can unsubscribe at any time.  


Although we are partnered with 222HOP, this is solely a mailing list for the Priesthood Play Dates.

Thanks for joining our communications!

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